Richard Lobb
info coming soon

Hollie Hazon-Dodd
Hollie Hazon-Dodd email Hollie Back To Shaw Method Teachers Register Hollie Hazon-Dodd qualified as a Shaw Method teacher in 2012, and has since qualified in Physiotherapy, attended the Aquatic Therapy Foundation training with the Aquatic Therapy Association of...
Gavin Langford
Ever since childhood I have found freedom and adventure in the water. I played for hours with my siblings and friends as a boy, then raced as a teenager and swam (irregularly) for fitness as an adult. When I discovered the Shaw Method I found yet another dimension to swimming. It’s hard to put into words but it’s a domain of dynamism, economy, fluidity and relaxation.

Caterina Marchetti
Caterina Marchetti email Caterina Back To Shaw Method Teachers Register I love swimming: I grew up in Italy close to the Adria coast, where I spent most of my childhood holidays and I learnt to feel easy in water. Water means fun and feeling good to me and swimming...indie