This summer, while teaching swimming on a magical Greek Island, I had an extraordinary encounter with Monachus Monachus, the critically endangered Mediterranean monk seal. Only a few hundred survive and most people on the island had never seen one.
by admin | Oct 9, 2018 | FEATURED, SHAW METHOD, STEVEN SHAW
This summer, while teaching swimming on a magical Greek Island, I had an extraordinary encounter with Monachus Monachus, the critically endangered Mediterranean monk seal. Only a few hundred survive and most people on the island had never seen one.
by admin | Sep 5, 2018 | FEATURED, SHAW METHOD, STEVEN SHAW
Teaching the Shaw Method for me is an incredibly interesting and rewarding way to earn my living. One of the things I love the most about my work is enabling people to move beyond what they ever thought possible…I often say if you teach someone to swim the front crawl they will shake you by the hand and say thank you, but if you teach someone to do a sustainable and enjoyable butterfly you have made a friend for life.
by admin | Aug 20, 2018 | HINTS, SHAW METHOD, STEVEN SHAW
Dry land work is a unique and an integral part of learning the Shaw Method. We have developed a series of movements that have designed to be practised both in and out of the pool that builds up a new understanding of how to perform the strokes in a way that promotes optimal alignment and ease of movements.
by admin | Jul 31, 2018 | HINTS, SHAW METHOD, STEVEN SHAW
If at the age of 17 when I was already feeling burnt out from the hard slog of competitive swimming, you’d said to me that one-day teaching people how to swim would be at the heart of my life I would have never believed you. But life has a way of taking unexpected turns and here I am over 30 years later, having developed the Shaw Method and spending most of my time in the water – either working with others or refining my stroke, and gaining immense joy and satisfaction from both.
by admin | Dec 4, 2017 | BOOKS, GENERAL, STEVEN SHAW
I first became aware of Terry Laughlin’s work in 1995 when I was researching for my book the Art of Swimming. I was really impressed by the clarity of his writing and simplicity of his descriptions and I felt he was a kindred spirit.
by admin | Nov 13, 2017 | HINTS, SHAW METHOD, STEVEN SHAW
It is widely known that swimming is great for your physical health by providing a low-impact cardio workout. Yet there are many other significant health benefits which have remained relatively unknown and unpublicised … until now. Research into these hidden health...
by admin | Jul 21, 2017 | BOOKS, HINTS, SHAW METHOD, STEVEN SHAW
The book is based on Steven’s 35-year voyage of discovery and looks at front crawl, back stroke, breast stroke and butterfly – focusing on maximum efficiency and minimum strain